Sunday, April 25, 2010

German threaten ten years jail

Milaz - giant vortex around a German archaeologists in the Turkish Milaz. The Berlin Mathias B. sits in jail because he is said to have made 650 finds in his house, rather than report them to the authorities. Now He faces up to 10 years in prison
Mathais B. and his Turkish wife Tenzille U.-B. They were led in handcuffs from her villa in Milaz (Bodrum), petrified her looks, bewildered. Or do you surprised?
Thing is certain: After an anonymous tip on Thursday, the police stood outside her door. According to Turkish newspaper reports, they found 650 historic artefacts in the house - illegally, according to Turkey's strict laws.
Now they are being interrogated. And Mathias B. and his wife, who works in the Museum of Milaz threaten ten years in prison
EXPRESS performed work colleague B, the fear of reprisals by the Turkish authorities would rather not know his name called: "When I saw the photos on the Internet by Mathias in handcuffs, turned to me in my stomach."
And he does not want to believe that the renowned archaeologist Matthias B. is guilty. "That must be a misunderstanding. Mathias probably had the goods in his own home in order to photograph and catalog them.
He even had his own project in the vicinity of Milaz, since it is an old castle. Each of us knows how severe the Turkish legislation in such matters. "
It would not be the first case of antique Klau, one in the Turkish-Germans brings jail. The Berlin Uwe J. was arrested because he had bought from a street vendor a stone for 60 euros. Because he suffered from diabetes and hepatitis, he came away with a 9000-euro fine.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Here Massa's Ferrari is disposed of

Silverstone - What a scrap! Crash during practice for the opening Grand Prix of Great Britain (Sunday, 14 clock, RTL and Premiere live).
Only the explode Fernando Alonso of Renault engine. On the slippery slope of oil track world championship leader Felipe Massa at a speed of 300 into the tire barrier. Then it hit the Toyota duo Timo Glock / Jarno Trulli. And in the end of the Williams-Toyota from Japan's Kazuki Nakajima takes a quick nose surgery.
Particularly galling to the "Batmobile" from Cologne. For as an advertisement for the new Batman movie "Dark Night" partly black lacquered red-white breaks the clutch) (Glock and then the rear wing off (Trulli).
Glock in the Toyota needs to watch box, embarks as his Italian colleague violently into the tire barrier. Diagnosis: Wheel up at Toyota, hangover with Trulli. The safe side, he can stretch it checked by a doctor.
"With Timo's was the clutch, when Jarno we obviously had problems with rear wing. But we have to analyze the erstmal Part of what has happened, "said chief engineer Dieter Gass and admits:" That was obviously the worst-case scenario today. So we imagined after Jarno's not the marvelous third place at Magny-Cours. "
Trulli at the accident site was in the 1st Training sessions have also embarked on Massa's Ferrari. In record time, a new car was built. The Brazilian was able to drive again in the afternoon, but remained at a slow track with his morning time expectant Tagesschnellster.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Chelsea destroys Ballack

London / Cologne - The Learjet at the airport in London, waiting in vain for his celebrity guest. Adidas wanted to hastily departed Sunday from Cologne Michael Ballack bring back to Cologne - after all, he was the main actor in the filming of the commercials for Euro 2008.
But the national team captain was behind the high walls of the hyper-modern training center in the London suburb of Chelsea's Cobham zurückgezogen.Ein refuge is the home of the blues, but hardly the 30-year-olds. For destroys Chelsea Ballack. The lack of participation in EM-Werbespot represents the climax of the disrespectful handling of the German Topstar dar.
The minutes of its removal: For weeks, had tried the tips from Adidas and the DFB, with Chelsea getting the release. A week ago, sent an assistant Kenyon declined. The DFB tried to explain it, was confident. But even chief executive Herbert Hainer, whose group supported by the London annually about 20 million €, which ran in the Secretariat of the omnipotent boss Peter Kenyon from the wall.
Ballack, however, still believed in a misunderstanding. He traveled only with Chelsea representatives in Herzogenaurach, there could be missing a special shoe. Then it went to the quarters of the national team, which treated him Doc Hans-Wilhelm Muller-Wohlfahrt. There, he waited for the okay from Chelsea. But Kenyon was on vacation, no one else felt responsible. Ballack grabbed the suitcase, went away. Bierhoff: "The decision was correct."
Shortly after 21, the clock then fluttered a fax from London. But as the consent existed, it was too late: Ballack was no longer attainable. The next morning, the national team arrived in Cobham a - for training. His plane was waiting.
"That's not jump to a national player, the DFB and Adidas to," complained national team manager Oliver Bierhoff yesterday afternoon at the DFB press conference. "But we try to ensure that he will come."
Because the message, the Inter-Continental Hotel: Ballack remains arrived in London. The diplomatic opinion of adidas "Since our players' health a top priority, we decided to give Michael the opportunity to continue his rehab program in London." But there seems to Ballack hardly a future give. For since his injury on 22 April, there were problems. He had an operation in Munich. Then trouble arose. The surgery was not discussed with the club. Chelsea doctor Bryan English and heat-manager José Mourinho, the atmosphere - wrongly, as it turns out. While the team lost the title without Ballack after another, come rumors the coach would kick him. A sideshow?
On 3 July, he must be re-operated. While Ballack fights for his comeback, is vying Real's coach Bernd Schuster publicly for the ex-Munich. Mourinho in the wake new mistrust. It follows the cancellation of the Champions League squad. Familiar report, Ballack was bent and deeply unsettled since. Defense, for he can not, because he has signed in his Treaty a confidentiality clause. "I must see that I'm healthy again. Then I can make me think about other things. "I hope Chelsea makes our captain had not yet been broken more ...
Also of interest
"So you can not go with us"

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Schalke Kuranyi in the trap

Gelsenkirchen - Schalke 04 Kevin Kuranyi and - that it is still a dream marriage, no one believes.
The signs are clear on separation - but this could be a loss for Schalke Important business will be.
The facts: Kuranyi came in 2005 for 6.9 million euros from Stuttgart, has since scored 61 goals for Schalke competitive game - more than any other striker of the area clubs. Manager Andreas Müller: "From this was money well invested. Many clubs would then lick their fingers, for less than seven million euros to get a striker who shoots as many goals. "
But Mueller also knows that there is a serious problem: Kuranyi alone verballerte this season 18 (!) Clear-cut chances. In many Schalke fans why he is pushed out. Kuranyi himself is frustrated, therefore, rejected calls from an extension of his contract end in 2010 so far.
His advisor Roger Wittmann raises the question whether there is a player in the world, which would extend his contract in this mood. Muller also has doubts: "An extension would make sense for both sides. Since we have to wait until the second half. "
Muller's problem: Kuranyis market value has fallen to Schalke, because of missed chances - and because he is no longer national. Schalke missed the European Cup, is Kuranyis Topgehalt but hardly to lift. In addition, the club would have to sell the striker in the summer, in order not to lose him a year later on a free transfer.
But many millions can not be obtained for Kuranyi well - and for this sum, Schalke's concern can hardly find clippers, shoots in four years, more than 60 goals. Schalke Kuranyi in the trap - as the winner can get out of the club from this point any more.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Raid on Bonn methadone doctor

Bonn - Dramatic Scenes from an addiction physician practice in the barracks street. 30 heroin addicts were in a rage because she stood in front of closed doors.
The doctor, who opened the substitute drug methadone administered, do not! It was the naked fear: 30 Junkies were rehearsing on Saturday before the uprising Praxistür. They had feared the worst: a cold turkey, they can cost just a few days of life.
Gabi Guard officials were responsible for peace. Böckeler Thomas reports from the press office: "Police and public order have helped the addict. They were referred to another methadone clinic in the city. "On Sunday, the Rhine, the hospital took care of the patients of the doctor.
According EXPRESS information he should have far more than 400 people given methadone - despite the fact he will only have permission for about 100 addicts! The permit should have been taken from him by the doctors' association. He said tersely: "On Monday I have treated anyone with methadone. Closer I can not express myself. "
It runs a criminal investigation. Prosecutor Joerg Schindler: "On Saturday, it has come to a house search. Against the doctor under investigation for suspicion of unlawful distribution of narcotics. "
More than 400 addicts without supervision: a horror scenario for the authorities. In the Rheinische Kliniken convened an emergency task: Representatives from the city, clinic, and of VFG, Caritas and Diakonia sat together. Even officials from the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis and Cologne were there. About 70 percent of those affected come from the Umland.Sozialamtsleiter Dieter Limiski was all clear: "Each patient is provided."