Thursday, April 1, 2010

Raid on Bonn methadone doctor

Bonn - Dramatic Scenes from an addiction physician practice in the barracks street. 30 heroin addicts were in a rage because she stood in front of closed doors.
The doctor, who opened the substitute drug methadone administered, do not! It was the naked fear: 30 Junkies were rehearsing on Saturday before the uprising Praxistür. They had feared the worst: a cold turkey, they can cost just a few days of life.
Gabi Guard officials were responsible for peace. Böckeler Thomas reports from the press office: "Police and public order have helped the addict. They were referred to another methadone clinic in the city. "On Sunday, the Rhine, the hospital took care of the patients of the doctor.
According EXPRESS information he should have far more than 400 people given methadone - despite the fact he will only have permission for about 100 addicts! The permit should have been taken from him by the doctors' association. He said tersely: "On Monday I have treated anyone with methadone. Closer I can not express myself. "
It runs a criminal investigation. Prosecutor Joerg Schindler: "On Saturday, it has come to a house search. Against the doctor under investigation for suspicion of unlawful distribution of narcotics. "
More than 400 addicts without supervision: a horror scenario for the authorities. In the Rheinische Kliniken convened an emergency task: Representatives from the city, clinic, and of VFG, Caritas and Diakonia sat together. Even officials from the Rhein-Sieg-Kreis and Cologne were there. About 70 percent of those affected come from the Umland.Sozialamtsleiter Dieter Limiski was all clear: "Each patient is provided."