Saturday, June 12, 2010

Press Statement by Christoph Daum

Cologne - coach Christoph Daum on Tuesday übersein Cologne lawyer's office, a press statement on its vorzeitigenVertragskündigung the first Bundesliga FC Cologne made.
DieDeutsche Presse-Agentur dpa documents the statement in the text.
"I think the first contract with FC Cologne had terminated the 30.06.2009fristgemäß. Last Saturday, I have a sportlichwie financially compelling offer from a top European club getting. Then my lawyers about the longer-term contract negotiated Pfingstwochenendeeinen I have gesternunterschrieben.
With my new club that would not genanntwerden until further notice, I had the opportunity to play right back internationalzu, which for me has always been my greatest incentive and desire alsTrainer. Also, I will be there sporting environment commands, with which I can reach for the next few years, the Champions League.
Thus, my decision is not against the first FC Cologne, sondernfür the new challenge. I would even like to give my current contract executed nocheine season. My mission was in Cologne ISTAB ohneAbstiegsgefahr with the rise and the achievement of a midfield place met in the Bundesliga last season, highlighted woraufich after the last Bundesliga match. can be Damithaben we created all together in Cologne, a base on which jetztweiter established successfully.
I am grateful for the good cooperation in the first FC Cologne, diephantastische support of the fans and wish the first FC Cologne allesgute. A part of my heart will always be here. "

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Double victory for German bobsleigh

Königssee - The German bobsled pilot is 34 days before the Olympic Winter Games in Vancouver achieved the perfect year-start.
At home World Cup victory in Königssee runner Thomas Florschütz with pusher pusher Adjei-Otto (both Riesa) in the two before the three-time Olympic champion Andre Lange with Kevin Kuske (both Oberhof). 0.05 seconds in his first season had Florschütz victory after two races on the 1240 m long railway to a total of 26 curves ahead. "We did what we had done in training. That was very good, "said Florschuetz, who won last year at the same place in the small carriage. Already at the last World Cup 2009 in Altenberg Lange and Florschütz for a German double victory had provided, at that time but in reverse order.
Even with second place was the beginning of the season long by a thigh injury Lange handicapped but happy: "When the snow was quite okay, what we did."
Third, the Swiss Beat Hefti / Christian Aebli (0.06 return). Local hero Karl Angerer went back with Gregor Bermbach a good half second through sixth goal.
In Gesmtweltcup defended the Tagesvierte Ivo Ruegg of Switzerland, now with 1202 points on his lead. Florschütz (1115) moved to second place before Angerer (1090). Lange (899) is ninth. On Saturday at the Königssee is the women's race before the men climb on Sunday at the Quad.
While Andre Lange for the Winter Games (February 12 to 28) set anyway to Florschütz developed in the fight with Karl Angerer two more on point. Even though both are allowed to make hopes for an Olympic ticket, as the Germans should probably send three teams into the race.
In order to get into medal final form, remain the bobsledders two World Cups. 16-17. The entourage will travel in January to St. Moritz, a week later is in Innsbruck-Igls the dress rehearsal for the Olympic races in Whistler on the program.