Saturday, June 12, 2010

Press Statement by Christoph Daum

Cologne - coach Christoph Daum on Tuesday übersein Cologne lawyer's office, a press statement on its vorzeitigenVertragskündigung the first Bundesliga FC Cologne made.
DieDeutsche Presse-Agentur dpa documents the statement in the text.
"I think the first contract with FC Cologne had terminated the 30.06.2009fristgemäß. Last Saturday, I have a sportlichwie financially compelling offer from a top European club getting. Then my lawyers about the longer-term contract negotiated Pfingstwochenendeeinen I have gesternunterschrieben.
With my new club that would not genanntwerden until further notice, I had the opportunity to play right back internationalzu, which for me has always been my greatest incentive and desire alsTrainer. Also, I will be there sporting environment commands, with which I can reach for the next few years, the Champions League.
Thus, my decision is not against the first FC Cologne, sondernfür the new challenge. I would even like to give my current contract executed nocheine season. My mission was in Cologne ISTAB ohneAbstiegsgefahr with the rise and the achievement of a midfield place met in the Bundesliga last season, highlighted woraufich after the last Bundesliga match. can be Damithaben we created all together in Cologne, a base on which jetztweiter established successfully.
I am grateful for the good cooperation in the first FC Cologne, diephantastische support of the fans and wish the first FC Cologne allesgute. A part of my heart will always be here. "