Monday, May 31, 2010

Distributed killer body parts in Bonn

Bonn - A woman's torso buried in the garden of a detached house in Bonn, with other body parts to plastic bags, hidden in the grounds of the idyllic in Kreuzberg StadtteilLengsdorf. It was a lot of bizarre criminal case, the imvergangenen September in Bonn had caused a stir.
   From Thursday, now has to answer for a 44 years old Dutchman because of this violent crime before the Bonn district court. The prosecution alleges that the man in seinemHeimatland criminally relevant manslaughter because erseine 46-year-old girlfriend in Bonn said to have dismembered killed in a dispute undanschließend.
   A curious dog, the police had made only at Fallaufmerksam. The animal had been rummaging in the undergrowth amKreuzberg exposed bone with surrounding tissue. The entsetzteHundehalter immediately informed the police. In a großangelegtenSuche other body parts were discovered.
   Quickly became a native of Sittard life companion of Frauunter suspicion. He fled to his native country, where he was shortly afterwards Vonder Dutch police arrested.
A year to the accused and the victim-been together. Finally, it was in the relationship more and more Schwierigkeitengegeben. In the days before the deed to the 46-year-old then stopped thieves relationship and have the pull of the man from the Einfamilienhausverlangt.
   Dutch media reported that the Angeklagteangegeben had been attacked by the victim with a knife to sein.Bei the struggle that followed, it would then come to the tödlichenVerletzungen of women. Only two days after the crime, he will then zerstückelthaben the body.
Read auchKreuzberg murder: the gruesome details> girlfriend killed and dismembered with the Flex> Final resting for Petra> You call him "the beast" 'Did he cut up his girlfriend? > Using the severed head woman identified> The perpetrator cut the dead> in small pieces> body parts on pilgrimage

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nuclear submarine and U.S. Navy ship collides

Manama - The U.S. nuclear submarine USS Hartford has crashed on Friday in derStraße of Hormuz with U.S. warship USS New Orleans.
The fifth The U.S. Navy fleet in Manama, announced 15Soldaten were on board the submarine had been slightly injured.
Everything related of Hormuz connects the Persian Gulf with the Gulf vonOman.
The collision, whose cause is not yet known, occurred not far from Dubai. 90,000 liters of diesel ran out of the process of the nuclear propulsion of the submarine will not be damaged.
It was not until mid-February, collided in the Atlantic two nuclear submarines - (EXPRESS reported>).

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Court stops voting machines

Karlsruhe - The Federal Constitutional Court vonWahlcomputern use stopped in Germany.
The approximately 1,800 devices in the 2005 Bundestag denenbei approximately two million citizens have their Stimmenabgegeben contradict the principle of public Derwahl, according to a ruling issued Tuesday.
However, because keineHinweise vorlägen for errors, the election remains valid, decided dasKarlsruher court.
In the election this year is so allerVoraussicht for re-election with paper and pencil.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Chaos in the garbage Volksgarten

Dusseldorf - What was left of Pentecost: gnawed bones, dirty paper plates, broken bottles and burnt earth.
After dozens of barbecues and picnics on the long, sunny weekend, stifled the Volksgarten in the trash.
Must clean up the mess now, the Düsseldorf office garden. And there you - as after each of the last weekend - the despair is nigh: "The garbage cans in Volksgarten make it no longer," Manfred Krick sighs from the garden office.
"It has become so many barbecues to celebrate that our trash can no longer compensate for the garbage can. Since there is little to buy the disposable barbecues, more and more fetuses grow in the open. "And for this pilgrimage, the Düsseldorf Grill Fans preferably in the parks.
Result: nasty food scraps and cardboard tableware land next to the overflowing tons, grilled fun everywhere testify coal remains and burnt grass. Not only for residents Karl-Heinz Kröger an intolerable condition:
"The beautiful Volksgarten has come to see on a daily basis as a single dump. In the past when one could walk through the park off really. Now you will not even go here with his dog for walkies. "
 To change this again, looked to Manfred Krick and his colleagues from the garden office yesterday at the Volksgarten, looking for solutions: "We want to ban, despite all the people grilling. That is part of urban culture. So we need to come up with something, "said Krick.
Some 70 bodies with burnt grass, he has counted on his tour. "We will now set up tons of ashes in metal, where people can dispose of their coals, rather than pay out in the park. And for the garbage container, we could establish in the public gardens. It worked well even in Rheinpark very good. "
Really you can not make friends at the garden office with this idea anyway. not the large, bulky containers fit into the picture of the Public Gardens, they say. Mountains of garbage, but not. Therefore, solutions must soon produce.
At the Düsseldorf Grill namely friends of all motorbikes waiting for a long summer with lots of beautiful sunny days.

Friday, May 7, 2010

"I was glad when the witch was dead"

Cologne - "Well, clearly I am still a member of the Cologne club ice," says Gundi Busch, who was 53 years ago was the last time in the cathedral city, now sits in the café Reichardt and thoughtful look at the cathedral. Impish smile, the graceful old lady adds: "Even though I've never paid contributions."
There is a good reason: In 1954, the then 18-year-old for the CEC in Oslo sensational figure skating champion, after Cilly Aussem (Wimbledonsiegerin 1931) and Hans Schaefer (soccer world champion 1954), she bore the name of "sport city of Cologne in outside world.
Therefore, she was appointed the first female in Cologne "honorary senator," the CCG ( "Carnival decorations and hat I have). And that is what gave her the then Ford's director, Dr. Meyer ( "Germany needs people like you who raise our reputation abroad again"), a Taunus Cabrio, which later caused a sensation in Gundis City Milan: "I always drove too fast and parked wrong, but the Italian police said only gently, oh, the blond German. "
What nobody knew at that time: the beaming smile always hated the teenage figure skating, and he hated the woman who tormented her success - her mother Leopoldine called "Poldi".
"The smile was just in me," says the now 73-year-old daughter, "the fairy tale image of the Ice Princess is happy in her biography (see info box) but" will be completely destroyed "," I wanted to be an interior designer, but my mother let you do that. And my father was a henpecked husband. "
Thus Poldi Busch, the 10-year-old forced to have huge training stint, "eight or nine hours a day," when ice cold on the Riessersee, even if they had fever, even if the feet festered for too narrow boots. Gundis protest: "I slammed into the ice-skates with anger - and was even better." After the World Cup title she hoped that the relentless skating mom "was now satisfied and I could not stop." But had Gundi, not yet of age, had sold off for two years to a U.S. ice shows.
Happiness is nonetheless become Gundi Busch: "My husband has saved me." That was the legendary Swedish Ice Hockey World Champion Lulle Johansson, 1951, she saw the first time - at their club in Cologne, where he played with the former champions Preußen Krefeld. The two married in 1955, moved to Stockholm. And here was Gundis hatred for the new mother's diet: "When I was pregnant with Peter, she told me on the phone, I wish that the child is born dead." It's incredible - the settlement is made according stark: "She was a witch. I was glad when she was dead. "
The fact that figure skating has taken place even later, with no holds barred, has Gundi Busch in Stockholm stunned seen with my own eyes, as if Iris Chang, the observed in the GDR celebrated trainer of Kati Witt: "Whenever a runner began to fall, she threw a handful of tack right there on the ice, where the opened a little later ... "
Also of interest
Gundi: "My ice-cold life"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Internet Killer" takes off admission

Food - Christian G. (27), as the "Internet Killer" laborers from Hamburg has become known, filed on Wednesday before the EssenerSchwurgericht a partial confession.
He admitted AM17. June 2008 stabbed a 39-year-old woman in the Westphalian town of Marl. His victim, he had previously met on the Internet.
Christian G. said the woman had to blackmail him for money and accuse rape Unrechtder want. Since he was disengaged. In fact, I ersich recalls a scene from his childhood, when his father had raped seineum Help screaming mother.
DesMesserangriffs the details, however, he could not remember. He wissenur nor that he had seen while the "eyes of Jesus," as auchdamals already, in fact, his father. They had auchbefohlen him to provide the body with a cut that is subsequently cross wieein looked.
He had for several years and a day insogenannten chat rooms while moving at least 300 Kontaktegeknüpft. Up to 150 women he had followed persönlichgetroffen too. Background had been both sexual behavior.
Through his lawyer, he did say: "I find it extremely important to zubetonen that all these women were living nocham according to our respective meetings."
The 27-year-old is accused of another murder. In Stade he is on 5 June 2008 have a 26-year-old from Berlin killed. Here, too, is an Internet acquaintance. Christian G. reported that there had been an accident. He had the woman in the dispute only once taken to the neck. Shortly thereafter sieleblos had collapsed.
The prosecutor is out of contrast in both cases of heimtückischemMord. According to the indictment of 27-year-old has his victim in Marl völligüberraschend attacked from behind and 26 times on the Fraueingestochen. She had bled to death. The victim was also at Stade togetherness sharp object had been stabbed. The exact Todesursachekonnte in this case, however, are no longer found, Dadi's body was found just two weeks after the crime.