Saturday, May 1, 2010

"Internet Killer" takes off admission

Food - Christian G. (27), as the "Internet Killer" laborers from Hamburg has become known, filed on Wednesday before the EssenerSchwurgericht a partial confession.
He admitted AM17. June 2008 stabbed a 39-year-old woman in the Westphalian town of Marl. His victim, he had previously met on the Internet.
Christian G. said the woman had to blackmail him for money and accuse rape Unrechtder want. Since he was disengaged. In fact, I ersich recalls a scene from his childhood, when his father had raped seineum Help screaming mother.
DesMesserangriffs the details, however, he could not remember. He wissenur nor that he had seen while the "eyes of Jesus," as auchdamals already, in fact, his father. They had auchbefohlen him to provide the body with a cut that is subsequently cross wieein looked.
He had for several years and a day insogenannten chat rooms while moving at least 300 Kontaktegeknüpft. Up to 150 women he had followed persönlichgetroffen too. Background had been both sexual behavior.
Through his lawyer, he did say: "I find it extremely important to zubetonen that all these women were living nocham according to our respective meetings."
The 27-year-old is accused of another murder. In Stade he is on 5 June 2008 have a 26-year-old from Berlin killed. Here, too, is an Internet acquaintance. Christian G. reported that there had been an accident. He had the woman in the dispute only once taken to the neck. Shortly thereafter sieleblos had collapsed.
The prosecutor is out of contrast in both cases of heimtückischemMord. According to the indictment of 27-year-old has his victim in Marl völligüberraschend attacked from behind and 26 times on the Fraueingestochen. She had bled to death. The victim was also at Stade togetherness sharp object had been stabbed. The exact Todesursachekonnte in this case, however, are no longer found, Dadi's body was found just two weeks after the crime.