Monday, May 31, 2010

Distributed killer body parts in Bonn

Bonn - A woman's torso buried in the garden of a detached house in Bonn, with other body parts to plastic bags, hidden in the grounds of the idyllic in Kreuzberg StadtteilLengsdorf. It was a lot of bizarre criminal case, the imvergangenen September in Bonn had caused a stir.
   From Thursday, now has to answer for a 44 years old Dutchman because of this violent crime before the Bonn district court. The prosecution alleges that the man in seinemHeimatland criminally relevant manslaughter because erseine 46-year-old girlfriend in Bonn said to have dismembered killed in a dispute undanschließend.
   A curious dog, the police had made only at Fallaufmerksam. The animal had been rummaging in the undergrowth amKreuzberg exposed bone with surrounding tissue. The entsetzteHundehalter immediately informed the police. In a großangelegtenSuche other body parts were discovered.
   Quickly became a native of Sittard life companion of Frauunter suspicion. He fled to his native country, where he was shortly afterwards Vonder Dutch police arrested.
A year to the accused and the victim-been together. Finally, it was in the relationship more and more Schwierigkeitengegeben. In the days before the deed to the 46-year-old then stopped thieves relationship and have the pull of the man from the Einfamilienhausverlangt.
   Dutch media reported that the Angeklagteangegeben had been attacked by the victim with a knife to sein.Bei the struggle that followed, it would then come to the tödlichenVerletzungen of women. Only two days after the crime, he will then zerstückelthaben the body.
Read auchKreuzberg murder: the gruesome details> girlfriend killed and dismembered with the Flex> Final resting for Petra> You call him "the beast" 'Did he cut up his girlfriend? > Using the severed head woman identified> The perpetrator cut the dead> in small pieces> body parts on pilgrimage